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YOU create the agenda. YOU ask the questions. I provide the answers that I believe to be true for you. You get my answers without the process. Some people can succeed this way. Most can’t. I don’t recommend this method.


  • This is only meant for a select few, for those DO “It” yourselfers who have been able to successfully demonstrate in all other aspects of their lives that once they know what and how to DO they truly can successfully DO with limited support.

    They believe they benefit from “nothing but the facts”, spending significantly less time and money on coaching. They are the ones who can be told how to do something, shown once and they got “It”. Few are capable of gaining and maintaining sobriety from asking questions, even when the answers are spot on.

    Most believe that they can succeed as good as a professional. They like independent trial and error and control. In my experience, most land up with a self-created amateur job.

    They learn what and how to DO but can’t successfully apply and sustain what they learned. That requires coaching and over-learned sustained practice. Most need the process and the support necessary for success.

    Even Tiger Woods, needed more than a how to book on golf. He, too, had a coach and years and tears of practice to attain superior results.

    YOU decide what YOU need and what is best for YOU! I will do my best to help.

    A 24 hr. cancellation notice is required in advance or you will be charged $200.00 for any scheduled missed session.

    By submitting payment, you acknowledge that you have read the Terms and Conditions available by clicking on the link at the bottom of each website page.

Please read every word of this website carefully. Don’t just scan. You need to decide if what I write is true for you. If it is, please consider hiring me as your coach. If it isn’t, but is about someone you know and care about, please refer them to this site. Thank you in advance for both your time and consideration. I hope you find the help you are seeking.

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