YOU Didn’t Get “HOOKED” From Breathing!™
An Individual, Outpatient, Concierge, MINDSET and Behavior Change Alcohol and Opiate Abuse Post-Detox Recovery Program specifically written and designed for well functioning; i.e. otherwise “non clinically impaired” adults seeking an end to the ravages of their substance abuse problems.
26 sessions, customized to meet your individual needs. You will learn to understand, accept and DO something permanent about the truth of your post-detox challenges and sobriety needs with the support necessary to succeed.
You will learn to DO this as an outpatient by facing and conquering the truths and challenges of your real life, not sequestered as an inpatient, protected from what you really need to learn to confront and control.
As part of the custom coaching sessions, I will teach you how to finally DO something positive and permanent about your excuses, urges, shame and fear, without additional drugs and/or surgery, hypnosis or deprivation.
During our first 14 sessions, we will focus on The Introduction and Twelve Written Lessons of Dr. Grossman’s: YOU Didn’t Get “HOOKED” From Breathing!™ Program. During the last twelve sessions, now that you have learned what you need to DO to stay healthy and sober, you will practice, Practice, and MORE PRACTICE with support so that your new skills can become internalized forever. We will use your copy of Dr. Grossman’s Get Your Head Out Of Your “BuT”! book as our guide to building YOUR HEALTHY SOBER LIFE, YOUR WAY!