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Acceptance of Terms

By using this website, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service and any such changes. By using our website, you also agree to all applicable laws and regulations and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions of use, do not use the website. 


Fresno Jewish Film Series is a not-for-profit organization in Fresno, California, USA. We offer annual seasonal films of interest to our community and the public. References to “we” and “our” in these terms are references to “us”, Fresno Jewish Film Series, and references to “you” and “your” are references to you, whoever you might be whether member, supporter and/or visitor to the website. 




We offer monthly films at a nominal fee. Our seasonal year is from October to May. You can view the films we offer here on our website. Our committee reserves the right to change the schedule when it is deemed necessary and in the best interest of our members.  




We do not represent and cannot guarantee that the content and the provision of the content of this website will always be correct, uninterrupted or fault, error or virus free. 



Copyright Notice

All copyrights in this website are owned by Fresno Jewish Film Series and all rights pertaining thereto are likewise reserved. You should assume that everything that you read or see on the website is copyrighted or otherwise protected by Fresno Jewish Film Series or some third party who licensed to Fresno Jewish Film Series the right to use such material; this includes but is not limited to images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, and written and other materials that appear as part of this website. Unless otherwise expressly noted, nothing that you read or see on the website may be copied or used without the prior written approval of Fresno Jewish Film Series. You may not reproduce (except as noted in this notification), publish, transmit, distribute, display, modify, create derivative works from, sell, or participate in any sale of, or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, any of the contents or any part of this website.

We grant you permission to print individual pages from the website, unless otherwise expressly noted, for your own personal, non-commercial use in learning about, evaluating, or sharing Fresno Jewish Film Series programs. No other permission is granted to you to print, copy, reproduce, distribute, license, transfer, sale, transmit, upload, download, store, display in public, alter or modify these materials. This grant of permission is not a transfer of title, and under this permission you may not:

  • use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or noncommercial);

  • remove any copyright, or other proprietary notations from the materials;

  • transfer the materials to another person or “mirror“ the materials on any other server


We make no warranties or representations to you that your use of any materials displayed on the website will not infringe the rights of third parties.



Assumption of Risk. 

There are unknown individual risks and circumstances that can arise while using our facilities that cannot be foreseen. We are not responsible for your personal choices or actions before, during or after use of our facilities. You understand that any mention of any suggestion or recommendation on or through our website, emails, publicity or elsewhere is to be taken at your own risk, with no liability on our part, recognizing that there is a rare chance that illness, injury or even death could result. You accept full responsibility for the consequences of your use, or non-use, of any information provided by us through any means whatsoever. Your use, or non-use, of this information is at your own risk, and you absolve us of any liability or loss that you, or your family or children (if applicable) or any other person, may incur from your or their use or non-use of the information provided. 



No Liability. 

We do not assume liability for accidents, delays, injuries, harm, loss, damage, death, lost profits, personal or business interruptions, misapplication of information, physical or mental disease, condition or issue, or otherwise, due to any act or default of anyone or any business, whether owners, staff, volunteers, agents or otherwise, affiliated with The Fresno Jewish Film Series. We do not assume liability for any owners, staff, volunteers, agents, or otherwise who is engaged in rendering our programs, products or services, or in carrying out individual and group activities, workshops, events, retreats, seminars, and/or trainings. If you use any information provided through or by us or affiliated with us, we assume no responsibility.




This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is collected, used, and shared when you visit or make a purchase from (the "Site").


California Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

Because we value your privacy we have taken the necessary precautions to be in compliance with the California Online Privacy Protection Act. We will not distribute your personal information to outside parties without your consent.


Children's Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

We are in compliance with the requirements of COPPA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act), we do not collect any information from anyone under 13 years of age. Our website, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 13 years old or older. We are not responsible or liable if there is a fraudulent claim of eligible age that results in a visit to our site, with an inquiry and/or or purchase of our services and/or products.


Terms and Conditions of Sale Agreement

Each time you purchase a product or service through this site, you are accepting the terms of sale stated here. By placing an order for any product featured on this site, you acknowledge to know the hereby particular terms and conditions and accept them unreservedly.


Product license and copyrights agreement.

Products you purchase are protected by intellectual property rights and are subject to your prior acceptance of the terms as stated above. Please contact before purchasing if you have any questions regarding any service or products listed on this site.



When you have signed up to emails:

If you have signed up to receive email updates from us, we will continue to send you emails until you tell us not to. You can opt out of this service at any time by unsubscribing or changing your preferences via the link that is at the bottom of each email sent by us, or by contacting us. If you unsubscribe from our email list, you will no longer receive our emails. You may, however still be on another list, such as a rsvp response to our event invitations. We will do our best to remove you from all lists. If you don't open any emails from us for more than a year, we may assume that you're no longer interested and remove your contact details from the list.



When we connect with you on social media:

If you communicate with The Fresno Jewish Film Series by social media, The Fresno Jewish Film Series will not record or store any information about you outside of that social media platform unless you give it to us directly (i.e. by passing your email address, phone number or photographs to us via Facebook Messenger) or you give your consent. Information that you store or transfer on a social media platform is subject to each provider's own privacy policy. 




Photographs taken at one of our events will be published on our website and our Facebook page. You have the option of choosing whether to give us consent to publish photos of you in or attending one of our productions or at a social event sponsored by The Fresno Jewish Film Series. The consent option only applies to photos that are taken at events sponsored by us and intended for publishing on our website and/or Facebook page, or to be shared with other members and followers via email. We have the right to protect images on our website with a password access only should the need arise. There may be times when our members will also use photos for his/her own purpose and store it on their personal platform. We cannot control what other members do with their own photos. 


How long do we store this data for and where do we get it?

Because of our not-for-profit status we are required to keep accounting data longer than one year. We store other data for one year.(Your name, email address, phone number and postal address). You will receive the option annually to update your contact information or to let us know you no longer want to be on our list. 



What happens when we stop storing your data?

When we remove your data from our systems, we will remove any details that identify you as an individual from the records that we keep other than those we are required to  keep. (Accounting records)


How do we use the data we hold about you?

We use the information we have about you to perform actions that you have requested of us (such as sending you emails), to keep track of how you interact with The Fresno Jewish Film Series so that we can send you relevant communications, to record your consent to certain activities (such as a confirmation r.s.v.p to an event and our membership interest form.) Occasionally there may be special events planned with short notice and we will then alert you as appropriate via email or a phone call.


This means that we will review the information that you give us, and the information that we generate, to work out how best to allocate our resources and to send you messages which are most relevant to you. If you've provided us with an interest in volunteering or help in another capacity, we will share your information with the appropriate committee member so he/she can contact you. If you don't wish us to use your data this way, you can opt out at any time by contacting us.


The data that we review or generate will only be used to promote the interests of The Fresno Jewish Film Series directly. We will never share this information with other charitable organisations or pressure groups, or outside of our trusted service providers.


When will we send you emails?


At The Fresno Jewish Film Series, we make a distinction between 'informational emails' and 'transactional emails'.


Informational emails are emails that we send to a group of people, i.e. members and supporters. These emails include our regular event and special event updates (among other things). We will only send these if you are on or mailing list and have given your consent, i.e. by completing a form on our website or a printed hard copy form. You can withdraw your consent at any time.


Transactional emails are communications about specific actions you have taken, such as completing an interest form on our website, or where we need to communicate something that is specific to you. These could include (but are not limited to): reminders, questions about your activity interest with The Fresno Jewish Film Series or any other enquiry that specifically relates to you.


Occasionally, we may need to send an update to a large section of our contacts who have not specifically consented to be added to our emailing list but have submitted their emails to make reservations. In these cases, such as cancellations or postponements of our events. We will ensure that their contact details are used for this purpose only.


When will we phone you?

If you give us your phone number, we will only use it to contact you about specific issues that relate to The Fresno Jewish Film Series activities or to respond to queries where you have asked us to phone you. In most cases we will use email to communicate with you. 



Do we share your information with anyone?

We don't share information with other organisations for their marketing or fundraising purposes and we will never do this without asking for your explicit consent first. With your permission only, we do share your information with a director or a committee chairperson for The Fresno Jewish Film Series who may also sit on our executive committee. This person may need to contact those interested in volunteering for an upcoming event, or to follow up on a volunteer position you've let us know you are interested in.


Our websit​e.

When you use our websites, certain information about how you use our site, your device and general location information will be stored and tracked by our third-party supplier, Google Analytics, GSuite and marketing email vendors, Mailchimp, and WIX marketing integration. Like most organizations, we use Google Analytics to find out how our website is used so that we can make improvements and track the success of campaigns. Although we can view the activity of individual users on our websites, we have no way of identifying them personally.


We do not have control over the data that they collect and store about you for their own purposes. If you are concerned about the information that Google holds about you, you can view their privacy policy or update your privacy settings via the link provided below. 


Mobile applications. 

You are fully responsible for accessing Fresno Jewish Film Series information using mobile apps. You are responsible for seeking out the privacy terms of the app your using to access our information.   




We use cookies on our websites to help us perform actions to make the site run more smoothly and to track how our sites are used. Social media websites like Facebook also place cookies on your device when you visit our site. To find out more about cookies and to manage your preferences, visit any of the following sites that is applicable to the specific browser(s) you use. 


Google Chrome:


Microsoft Edge:  visit


Safari Browser:


Mozilla Firefox:


Amazon Silk:



Lawful basis for processing

Under general data protection regulations (GDPR EU), we must let you know what our 'lawful basis' is for each way that we process your data. Processing' includes storing, sharing or analysing your data, as well as using it to contact you.


The Fresno Jewish Film Series will justify processing your data using one of the following basis:



Legitimate Interest

Legal requirement



How do we protect your data?

The Fresno Jewish Film Series takes the care of your personal information seriously and ensures there are appropriate technical controls in place to protect them. These include providing training for those who are responsible for handling your data, using secure storage and servers, Transport Layer Security (TLS), Secure Socket Layers (SSL) and firewalls, and carefully selected external organisations. We use vendors who provide platforms for website development (WIX), email and form generators (Mailchimp and Jotform). All are in compliance with EU GDPR 2020 and USA California CCPA. 


Your rights

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, to correct or view any information that we hold about you, to ask us to delete the information that we hold on you or to object to how we use that information.


Withdrawing Consent

You have the right to withdraw consent that you have previously given to us for communication, data processing or storing your data. You can do this by contacting us or, if you wish to update your preferences or unsubscribe from emails, clicking the relevant link in any email you receive from our mailing service.



Right to be Informed

You have the right to be informed about how we use your data in a concise, transparent and easily-intelligible way. We will usually provide this information to you by providing privacy notices alongside this policy, where appropriate, when you give us your data. If you would like a copy of this policy, you can either download this page or contact us to request a paper copy.


Right to Access and Correction

You have the right to access the data that we hold on you and to confirm that your data is being processed by us. You also have the right to have your information corrected if it is wrong. If you would like to request information from us or correct any data that we hold about you, please contact us.


Right to Restrict Processing

If you are unhappy about how we are processing your data, you have the right to restrict how we process the information that we hold on you in certain circumstances. If you would like to restrict processing, please contact us.



Right to Data Portability

If you would like to transfer the information that we hold on you to another organisation, or to receive it in a standardised form ('comma- separated' or plain text) that can be read and imported by most data systems, contact us to request a copy of your data.


Right to Erasure (or to 'be forgotten')

You have the right to request that we delete all the information that we hold on you, but there are some cases in which we will not be able to delete your information. This could include when you have previously given i.e., payment of membership fees for which our legal obligation to keep records has not expired. In these cases, we will comply with your request as far as possible, and make sure to let you know what we cannot delete.


Right to Object

You have the right to object to any processing of your information which is based on legitimate interests, direct marketing or profiling (automated decision-making). You also have the right to object to your data being processed by us for the purposes of scientific, historical or statistical research. Other than sending you emails for purposes of informing you about our events, changes in policy or safety information, we do none of the above but should you have evidence that we do, you have the right to object and or report us


You can also object to processing for which we have legitimate interest. If you do object to our processing of your data for this purpose, we will do our best to comply with your wishes. However, in some circumstances, we may not be able to stop the processing entirely mostly due to an accountability requirement of our operational functions. If you wish to object to processing of any kind, you can contact us to let us know.



We may change this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time. The most recent version of the Privacy Policy is reflected by the version date located at the bottom of this Privacy Policy. All updates and amendments are effective immediately upon notice, which we may give by any means, including, but not limited to, by posting a revised version of this Privacy Policy or other notice on the Website. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy often to stay informed of changes that may affect you, as your continued use of the Website signifies your continuing consent to be bound by this Privacy Policy. Our electronically or otherwise properly stored copies of this Privacy Policy are each deemed to be the true, complete, valid, authentic, and enforceable copy of the version of this Privacy Policy which were in effect on each respective date you visited the Website.




August 26, 2020

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